Noble Bread

How to make a sandwich like a photographer.


Step 1.

Visit local farmers market on an early Saturday morning. Shake hands, try food, exchange stories and smiles with the beautiful townsfolk. Purchase loaf of gorgeous 3-grain bread from Noble Bread on recommendation from my friend Hadas.

Step 2.

Drive fresh loaf of bread home. May or may not have already tore bits off the top on the ride back. The crusty part is soooo good.

Step 3.

Gather bamboo cutting board, bread knife, heirloom linen, and other props. Carefully cut several even pieces of bread from the top. Stage on table. Set up giant softbox on lightstand. Do I want bright and airy? Or lowkey and contrasty?

Step 4.

Lowkey. Story of my life. Manual shooting mode engaged. Softbox set at 1/16 power to overpower ambient light. 70-200mm bazooka lens is locked on, wide open at f/2.8. Ohhh this is going to be buttery.

Step 5.

Test shot 1. Too dark. Let’s bring that shutter speed down to 1/160. Nailed it. This bread is going down.

Step 6.

Get so excited about trying fresh crusty bread that I forget to shoot the final sandwich before devouring it like I have never seen food before. Immediately text friend to rave about bread.

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